The Bethadilly Challenge: May 1 – 10

May 1: fruit {a v o c a d o}

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May 2: seasonal {flowers and spring}

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May 3: i bought this {i haven’t made any purchases lately besides gas, groceries, and a few restaurant meals. we’ve been going on a lot of walks lately, and have put Caleb’s binoculars and my camera to good use}

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May 4: sweet {sweet, sweet flowers}

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May 5: little {shoes that make my feet feel little}

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May 6: five {five different pictures of flowers}

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May 7: my walls {the walls of this old greenhouse are amazing}

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May 8: thank gosh it’s friday {and I GRADUATED. I have been waiting for this day for a long, long time}




May 9: colorful {this tulip in my parents’ backyard}


May 10: makes me happy {spending Mother’s Day with my mom makes me happy}


The Bethadilly Challenge: April 20 – 30th

April turned out to be more stressful than anticipated. We finished our online TEFL course, and went to New York City to complete the in-class portion of our hours. I also finished my Teacher Work Sample, which was the major project I had to tackle for Student Teaching. I also taught full-time again for two weeks, and while that is hardly any time, it felt like an eternity.

In the end, I survived, and took a few pretty pictures along the way (at least in my opinion).

Here are the rest of my April Bethadilly pictures.

april 20: the weather today {it rained and little rain drops accumulated on our bird feeder}

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april 21: a product I love {honey from Lancaster. p.s. my toast burned a little bit. oh well}

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 presetapril 22: my perspective {my dinner date}

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april 23: technology {thankful for technology that allows me to capture things like this, and to share them with the world}

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april 24: delicate {delicate flowers from my grandma’s house. she has a way of making even fake flowers beautiful}

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april 25: me {I decided against the selfie, but chose to take a picture of my grandparents. without them, I wouldn’t be “me.” they have given so much of themselves, and constantly pour wisdom and promise into my life. I am so proud to call them mine}

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 april 26: even {a pair of binoculars}

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april 27: alive {the city makes me feel alive}

Processed with VSCOcam with kk1 presetapril 28: movement {we took another walk, and saw these beauties moving in the wind}Photo Apr 28, 4 55 32 PM Photo Apr 28, 4 55 37 PM Processed with VSCOcam with kk2 presetapril 29: arrow {this trail has no arrows, and is as close to the wilderness as we’re going to get here in Phoenixville. I’ve loved the times that Caleb and I have had together scouting out birds, and never want to stop finding joy and happiness in something as small as hearing a Common Flicker. marriage has proven to be my most favorite adventure}

moon pinkbuds sign

april 30: starts with t {this turquoise vase & the tree this bird landed on}

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The Bethadilly Challenge: April 14 – 19

april 14: my drink of choice {tea. tea always}

Photo Apr 14, 5 25 33 PM

april 15: a piece of jewelry {my engagement ring}

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april 16: local {a chipmunk from a local park}

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april 17: i found this {Caleb and I have been going on so many walks that I keep finding cool things – like this statue}Processed with VSCOcam with kk1 preset

april 18: emotion {free & peace: my beautiful friend Sarah let me take pictures of her & she is flawless}

Photo Apr 18, 8 35 43 PM


april 19: fresh {ducks on a fresh spring day}

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I am falling more in love with photography (and my camera) as I continue with this challenge, and I am always looking for new things to shoot for extra practice.

If you’re interested in having a photography adventure with me, let me know! 🙂

The Bethadilly Challenge: April 8 – 13

april 8: letters {started reading the letters in this book for my very first photography class! not too excited about reading another book, but super excited to learn}

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april 9: yellow {I was a bit lazy & didn’t feel like leaving the house or using my camera…so here is a picture of the yellow Seinfeld logo}

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april 10: what i’m listening to {my ABBA record. I’ll love them until the end of time}

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april 11: my view today {pictures I already posted, but nevertheless, I had so much fun taking pictures on the Audubon Loop Trail with Caleb. it’s always so exciting to find new things that we can do together – Caleb with his binoculars and me with my 300 mm zoom lens. we make a pretty good birding team}

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april 12: from above {we went birding again, and a robin was sitting in the tree above me}

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april 13: classic {a classic science experiment: planting seeds}

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The Bethadilly Challenge: April 1 – 7

april 1: season {I’ve been missing Peru and the missionary family we worked with a lot lately, but I’m excited for the next season in my life, and I’m waiting patiently for the day we can go back for a longer period of time. I took this picture in Peru, but had to use it because… just look at that bokeh in the trees}

april 2: next to me {we made it to Upstate New York & I sat next to George Washington. what a man}

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april 3: my morning {it was the first time we brought Milo with us. he was having a good time exploring my parents’ new house & avoiding their cat at all costs}

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april 4: pastel {it’s been so nice to see my parents finally have their own house again after renting for over four years. God blessed them ten-fold, and they have done such a great job making it their own. I especially love these curtains with pastel yellow leaves}

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april 5: eggs {I made eggs benedict with my mom. she poached the eggs, and I made the hollandaise sauce. it was perfect}

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april 6: monday {monday in legos}


april 7: peace {I cheated and took these pictures Monday night. we went on a walk & passed by the local cemetery – it was so peaceful, and we even spotted an Eastern Bluebird!}

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The Bethadilly Challenge: March 28 – 31

So long, March. You were amazing.

March 28: something I’m proud of {I’m proud of how my photography has improved since December. it’s not perfect, or where I want it to be, but I can definitely see a change in my pictures and in my confidence}

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March 29: feet {Milo’s little feet are my favorite}

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March 30: still {it’s easy to get impatient with God when His timing doesn’t match up with your own. but then He reminds me to “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” no matter how I feel, or whether or not I feel equipped for where God has called me, He will remain sovereign}

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March 31: square {a little duck in a square}

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The Bethadilly Challenge: March 20th – 27th

Our Peru trip really messed up my Bethadilly Challenge posts. I was taking pictures every day (and I took a lot of pictures), but usually forgot to check the prompt before we went out to work. However, I am back! Here are my latest Bethadilly shots. 🙂

March 20: something old {this is a little doll that I used to play with at my grandparents’ house. my grandma gave me the doll as a wedding present}

Photo Mar 20, 2 53 47 PM

March 21: a bottle {this is an empty bottle of Inca Kola. we have a bottle collection, and thought this would be a perfect addition}

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March 22: sunday morning {eating watermelon with the hope that Spring will come back soon & actually stay for a while}

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March 23: me {I really hate selfies, so I decided to take a picture of something that represents me – one of my favorite spoons given to me by my friend Kelly. it has my name on the end, and even though it says “my coffee spoon,” I use it for tea. it’s a little bit dented, but also dainty, and I feel like I’m that way sometimes}

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March 24: on the floor {lying on the floor in our apartment because it’s cozy and beautiful}

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March 25: what I’m looking at {tea in my favorite mug}

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March 26: my addiction {alfajors & dulce de leche. if you don’t know what they are, I’m sorry.}

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March 27: salty {I made Aji de Gallina – a Peruvian dish with chicken and rice and other perfect spices. for being a Gringa, I think it came out pretty great}

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The Bethadilly Challenge: March 1 – 5

I have a strong feeling that this month is going to be an extremely memorable month. Tomorrow, Caleb and I are leading our team to Lima, Peru; a country that has an incredible hold on my heart.

I am so excited to see what memories I’ll be able to capture, and to share them with the world once we get back to the States. For now, here are my first five Bethadilly Challenge photos. If you’d like to participate this month, click here for the prompts.

March 1: my passion {I have a lot of passions – writing, traveling, teaching, learning about Jesus – but most recently, I’ve discovered that I love photography. I have so much more to learn, but I love being able to capture the people and animals I love the most}

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March 2: bokeh {#1) an oldie, but a goodie. one of the very first pictures I took with my DSLR. #2) candle bokeh and a pinecone}

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March 3: a sound {currently reading Julie Andrews’ memoir, and I can hear the sound of her sweet voice in every word I read}

Photo Mar 03, 5 26 36 PM

March 4: change {the past two years have been filled with changes, and I’m looking forward to what changes this year will bring}

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March 5: eyes {my eyesight is terrible. in third grade, I finally convinced my mom to take me to the eye doctor, and I got a pair of glasses. since then, my prescription has worsened, and now I wear thick grandpa lenses}

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Next time I post something, I’ll be in Peru! Yay!

The Bethadilly Challenge: February 22 – 28

And just like that, another month is over!

February 22: street {I have to be honest, this isn’t a picture of my street. it’s a picture of my sidewalk, but my street was filled with slushy snow, so you can’t really blame me for sort of cheating. these prompts are all subjective, right?}

Photo Feb 22, 2 51 23 PM Photo Feb 22, 4 58 08 PM

February 23: soft {Milo is the softest cat I know}


February 24: early {it’s never too early to have Nutella}

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February 25: top {the top of one of my owl decorations}

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February 26: a selfie {I’ve realized that taking selfies is hard, and I much prefer taking pictures of random objects and other people. but here are a few pictures of me with a lot of hair in my face}

Photo Feb 26, 7 22 42 PM

February 27: a dreaded task {I finally completed the dreaded task of planning lessons for my last week of student teaching @ Renaissance Academy. so I treated myself to a cup of tea, and a Girl Scout Cookie}

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February 28: paper {beautiful paper for beautiful thank you notes to beautiful people that supported us for our upcoming trip to Peru}

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The Bethadilly Challenge: February 15 – 21

February 15: macro {I don’t have a macro lens, but here is a close up of my pencil cup & a little yellow boat that one of Caleb’s students made him}

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February 16: makes me happy {yesterday I got a card from my friend Allison & it made me so happy}

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February 17: dessert {left over valentine’s day candy}

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February 18: hidden {an owl hidden away between books & old records}

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February 19: one {one little pine cone that we found on a hike when Caleb & I were dating. I love little things like these to remember those times}

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February 20: modern {sometimes pictures like this happen when you’re playing around in manual mode, and then you actually like it}

Photo Feb 17, 4 32 55 PM

February 21: what I’m reading {my life has been so busy lately – between student teaching & planning/leading a missions trip, I have had zero time to read for pleasure like I used to. I used to read a book a week, but now those days are gone. here are a few of my favorite books that I could read over & over again: Night, Pride & Prejudice, The BFG, The Magician’s Nephewand The Last Battle.}

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